SURFE: The Ultimate Connector Between HubSpot and LinkedIn
Easily add your LinkedIn contacts to your HubSpot CRM with just a single click

What is Surfe?
- A method to import contacts from LinkedIn into HubSpot, replacing all of your current email enrichment tools.
- A Google Chrome extension to display your HubSpot interface directly on top of LinkedIn.
- Provides a quicker method for adding prospects to your CRM and maintaining accurate contact information, and more...
Benefits of adopting Surfe
Save manual data
entry time and remove
data entry errors
Add LinkedIn and Sales
Navigator data to HubSpot
in one click
Find verified emails,
landline and mobile phone
numbers for your prospects
Leverage multiple email
finder tools in one (Apollo,
RocketReach, Dropcontact, Hunter and more)
Bulk enrich up to
200 Sales Navigator
prospects per day
Manage all your prospects
without having to leave
LinkedIn or Sales Navigator
Why choose Surfe?
Say goodbye to the days of tediously entering your LinkedIn contacts into HubSpot one by one, or struggling with the complex process of exporting them to a CSV file only to import them back in again. Surfe has made this process simpler by streamlining it to the point of being effortless.
With our innovative solution, integrating your LinkedIn network into your HubSpot contacts becomes seamless, allowing you to focus on what truly matters - building relationships and driving your business forward.
Surfe empowers you by removing technical barriers, ensuring that your valuable time is spent on strategic tasks rather than getting tied up in operational details. Embrace the ease and efficiency that Surfe brings to your professional ecosystem.